General terms and conditions of business
I. Offer and conclusion of contract
The order signed by the customer is a binding offer. We can accept this offer within two weeks by sending an order confirmation or send the ordered goods within this period.

II. Documents and products provided

We reserve the property rights and copyright to all documents, products (test items) and information provided to the customer in connection with the placing of the order - including in electronic form. These may not be made accessible to third parties unless we give the customer our express written consent. If we do not accept the purchaser's offer within the period specified in Section I, they must be returned to us immediately.
III. Prices and payment

1. Our prices include packaging costs for standard shipping (no shipping by air freight). Delivery and shipping costs are not included in our prices. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our prices apply ex works, excluding special packaging for air shipping. The costs of special packaging for air shipping will be invoiced separately

2. The included VAT is shown separately. The prices shown do not include costs for import and customs duties when shipping outside the EU.
3. Payment of the purchase price must only be made in advance to the specified account or in advance via PayPal, credit card, or via the web tool. If you pick up the products at our click and collect address, you can also pay in cash.

4. Unless otherwise agreed, the purchase price must be paid within 10 days of order confirmation.
IV. Offsetting and retention rights
The customer only has the right to offset if his claims have been legally established or are undisputed. The customer is also entitled to set off against our claims if he asserts complaints about defects or counterclaims from the same purchase contract. The purchaser is only authorized to exercise a right of retention to the extent that his counterclaim is based on the same contractual relationship.

V. Delivery time

1. Unless an expressly binding delivery date has been agreed, our delivery dates and delivery times are exclusively non-binding information.
2. The start of the delivery time specified by us requires the timely and proper fulfillment of the customer's obligations. The exception of the unfulfilled contract remains reserved.
3. The customer can request us in text form to deliver within a reasonable period of time 2 weeks after a non-binding delivery deadline has been exceeded. If we culpably fail to meet an express delivery deadline or if we are in default for another reason, the customer must give us a reasonable grace period to provide the service. If we allow the grace period to elapse without result, the purchaser is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract.
4. If the purchaser defaults on acceptance or culpably violates other obligations to cooperate, we are entitled to demand compensation for the resulting damage, including any additional expenses. Further claims remain reserved. The purchaser, for his part, reserves the right to prove that no damage occurred at all in the requested amount or that it was at least significantly lower. The risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the purchased item passes to the purchaser at the point in time at which the purchaser defaults on acceptance or debtor.
5. Further legal claims and rights of the purchaser due to a delay in delivery remain unaffected.
VI. Retention of title

1. We reserve ownership of the delivered item until all claims have been paid in full.

2. The purchaser is obliged to treat the purchased item with care as long as ownership (test with subsequent purchase) has not yet been transferred to him.

VII. Participation in courses and tours
1. All participants must be over 18 years of age and have health insurance valid in the European Union. Participants under the influence of mind-altering medications, alcohol, drugs or other substances will be excluded from taking part in the course. In this case, and even if you provide incorrect personal information, you are not entitled to a refund of the course price.

2. Course and tour participation is exempt from cancellation (Section 312g Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 No. 9 BGB), but we will allow course participants to reschedule the course date if notification is received in good time up to 7 days before the start of the course (by telephone or by email). email).

3. Current-raft also reserves the right to change the course date or the tour up to 2 days before the start without specifying
on reasons to cancel, or to reschedule in consultation with the customer.

4. All participants are aware that taking part in a sporting exercise session is associated with the risk of injury. Before we start, we check the physical suitability of our customers using a personal query. The participant cannot assert any rights against current-raft if essential information has been concealed and this leads to an infringement, etc. cause damage.


VIII Liability and Warranty
1. Current-raft has explicitly pointed out the proper handling of the products. In the event of a breach of the obligations resulting from this, as well as in the event of improper use, current-raft is not liable for damage to and caused by the products offered.

Furthermore, current-raft is not liable for self-inflicted accidents, personal injuries or property damage to the buyer or third parties in connection with the use of the products and services offered.

2. Current-raft's other liability for damages and an obligation to pay compensation does not exist and is excluded regardless of legal grounds unless the damage is due to gross negligence or intent. Furthermore, damages for minor negligence are excluded. We do not guarantee that the content of the information provided on our site is correct, complete or up-to-date.

3. We are not responsible for delivery delays that arise due to delays in production.

4. Unless we have expressly designated the information contained in our brochures, advertisements and other offer documents as binding, the illustrations or drawings contained therein are only approximately authoritative.

5. The warranty period is 2 years, calculated from the transfer of risk.

For used products, the guarantee period is reduced to 1 year from the transfer of risk.
  5a: Limitation of Warranty: Spraydeck, seats and all attachment points are covered by a 2-year warranty on materials and workmanship. These parts are designed to be lightweight at the expense of durability and longevity under normal use.
This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, including but not limited to wear and tear on seams, pipes and floors. Wear parts may be damaged during normal use, failure to follow recommendations, and/or use in conditions or applications other than those recommended.
This warranty does not apply to damage to the product caused by an accident,
improper care, misuse of the product, non-compliance with manufacturer specifications
This warranty does not apply to products that have been modified or altered.
This warranty does not apply to damage caused by commercial use.
TiZip and zippers:

TiZip and zippers require special care and maintenance for correct use. Failure to properly maintain TiZip and zippers will void your TiZip installation warranty.
TiZip and zippers are warranted for 1 year against defects in materials and workmanship relating solely to the installation of the zipper.

6. If the customer designs their own products and branding, the buyer bears the risk of the usability of the content used. We cannot guarantee that the use of self-selected texts and motifs does not infringe the rights of third parties. Current-raft is not obliged to test. Furthermore, we, current-raft, are not liable for violations of third-party intellectual property rights, in particular company names, copyrights, personal rights and/or trademark rights, and are released from all claims if the breach of duty is the responsibility of the buyer. If there is any suspicion that content selected by the buyer violates the above-mentioned rights, we reserve the right to cancel the order and are not liable for any resulting damage.

7. Once the buyer has begun refining or branding the delivered goods, any complaints about obvious defects, including those that would have been discovered through proper inspection (§ 377 HGB), are excluded. The consumer's warranty rights remain unaffected

VIIIa Liability for testing/rental
1. The rental test equipment is not additionally insured by us. The tenant is responsible for any costs incurred for repairs caused by the tenant.

2. The use of the rented packraft and its accessories takes place under the following conditions:
By taking delivery of the rental item, the tenant acknowledges that it and its accessories are in a ready-to-drive, defect-free and clean condition. Any defects must be reported to the landlord immediately upon receipt
lt be.
The permissible load capacity (see online product information) must not be exceeded under any circumstances. The equipment may not be used on closed sections of water or for any purpose other than its intended use. It may not be used for commercial purposes or for illegal purposes without the written consent of the landlord.
The tenant assures that he will not operate the packraft under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances.

3.The renter undertakes to treat the equipment with care. The tenant is liable for theft. He undertakes to report any defects that occurred during the rental period to the landlord upon return.

4. The landlord bears the costs if repairs are necessary for which the tenant is not responsible. The renter is obliged to notify the landlord immediately if the packraft has been involved in an accident or has been lost due to theft. In the event of an accident, the tenant is obliged to provide the landlord with a detailed written report including a sketch. The packraft with accessories is not insured by us in the event of an accident.

5. The tenant must return the rental/test equipment in the same condition in which he took it over. The tenant is liable for culpable damage to the packraft and for breach of his contractual obligations. He then also has to reimburse the additional damage costs.

  6. The tenant must return the rental equipment to the landlord by insured return shipping in Germany (DHL/Hermes) at his own expense by the last day of the agreed rental/test period at the latest. The postal return must be made before 1200 p.m. local time to guarantee a smooth return shipment. An extension of the rental period requires the consent of the landlord before the end of the rental period. If the packraft is not returned on time, the tenant must pay the landlord the daily rent for each day commenced and, if necessary, compensate for any additional damage. The landlord is entitled to complain to him about any defects for which the tenant is liable within 2 working days of receiving the refund.
If the rental items are returned early, the tenant is not entitled to a pro rata refund of the rental price.

7. In the event of a late, non-delivery by the landlord through no fault of his own (delays in delivery, damage or delays caused by the previous tenant, loss along the delivery route, etc.), the landlord is not liable for any damage incurred, but will refund the pro rata rental price in full or provide a suitable one Replacement product available in consultation with the tenant.

8. The packraft must be dry and free of dirt, folded or rolled. Please pay particular attention to moisture in the cracks and thoroughly remove algae, salt or chlorine deposits before returning. We reserve the right to charge a flat rate of 20 euros if cleaning is forgotten or inadequate

  IX Use of photo and video recordings and information provided
1. Images and information may only be used and passed on for private use.

Distribution of media and content from our website on social media channels is permitted, provided we clearly identify and link it to our website. A link from our website ( or a link to our respective social media channels (see website) can be used for this purpose.

Commercial use of photos and video recordings is only permitted with prior permission.
X. Other

1. This contract and the entire legal relationship between the parties are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

2. If individual provisions of this contract are ineffective or contain a gap, the remaining provisions remain unaffected.